Wizard of Oz - 8/31/26

The Wizard Of Oz

Level 1: (25 tasks) - 03/01/2025 - 8/31/2025
Level 2: (50 tasks) - 03/01/2025- 2/28/2026
Level 3 (75 tasks) ) 03/01/2025 - 08/31/2026
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1. Dorothy Gale
In the Oz books, Dorothy is raised by her aunt and uncle in the bleak landscape of a Kansas farm. Along with her small black dog, Toto, Dorothy is swept away by a tornado to the Land of Oz.
In later novels, the Land of Oz steadily becomes more familiar to her than her homeland of Kansas. Dorothy eventually goes to live in an apartment in the Emerald City's palace but only after her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry have settled in a farmhouse on its outskirts. Dorothy's best friend Princess Ozma, ruler of Oz, officially makes her a princess of Oz
🟡 Read a book with a character called Dorothy or 
set in Kansas or 
with a character who is a Princess.
2. Aunt Em
Aunt Em is described as having been a "young, pretty wife" when she arrived at Uncle Henry's farm, but having been "grayed" by her life there. Em appears emotionally distant to Dorothy at the beginning of the story. However, after Dorothy is restored to her at the end of the book, her true nature is seen: she cries out, "My darling child!" and covers her with kisses. When the farm is facing foreclosure they all move to the Land of Oz to live for good in the Emerald City. Princess Ozma appoints Em "Royal Mender of the Stockings of the Ruler of Oz" in order to keep her busy. She shows herself particularly unamenable to Oz.
🟡 Read a book set on a farm or 
with a character who has grey hair or 
a character who mends something.
3. Uncle Henry
After their house was famously carried off to the Land of Oz by a tornado in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Henry mortgaged his farm in order to rebuild. This crisis, combined with the stress of Dorothy's prolonged disappearance and sudden reappearance, took a toll on his health. When they all move to Oz because the farm will be foreclosed on Henry was given the job of being Keeper of the Jewels in Ozma's treasure hoard for the purpose of keeping him occupied. Unlike Em, who is questioning everything about the Land of Oz, Henry accepts his new life and home with surprising ease, having traveled and seen the world a lot more than his wife had. He becomes one of Ozma's closest advisers, having taught his agricultural abilities to Ozite farmers, getting them producing surplus for the Emerald City storehouses.
🟡 Read a book that has a genre tagged travel or 
where a character is a close advisor to another or 
a character who is sick.
4. Toto
Toto belongs to Dorothy Gale, the heroine of the first and many subsequent books. In the first book, he never spoke, although other animals, native to Oz, did. In subsequent books, other animals gained the ability to speak upon reaching Oz or similar lands, but he remained speechless. In Tik-Tok of Oz, continuity is restored: he reveals that he is able to talk, just like other animals in the Land of Oz, and simply chooses not to.
🟡 Read a book with a dog on the cover (Show cover) or 
with a character that doesn't talk much or 
read Tik Tok of Oz.
5. The Scarecrow
In his first appearance, the Scarecrow is in a corn field in Munchkin land and reveals that he lacks a brain and desires above all else to have one. Dorothy suggests he comes with her to Oz to see the Wizard. Throughout the course of the novel, he proves to have the brains he seeks and is later recognized as "the wisest man in all of Oz," although he continues to credit the Wizard for them. He is, however, wise enough to know his own limitations and all too happy to hand the rulership of Oz to Princess Ozma and become one of her trusted advisors, though he typically spends more time having fun than advising.
🟡 Read a book where a character doesn't have a brain (Your interpretation) or 
with a character who likes to have fun or 
where the author's initials can be found in SCARECROW,
Hawaiian Medic to Rescue His Heart - Annie O'Neill (HMED #1199 - Sept 2021) - Mar 5
6. Tin WoodMan
In The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Dorothy Gale befriends the Tin Woodman after she finds him rusted in the forest, as he was caught in rain, and use his oil can to release him. He follows her to the Emerald City to get a heart from The Wizard. he Tin Woodman's axe proves useful in this journey, both for chopping wood to create a bridge or raft as needed, and for chopping the heads off animals that threaten the party. When Dorothy returns home to her farm in Kansas, the Tin Woodman returns to the Winkie Country to rule as emperor. Later, he has his subjects construct a palace made entirely of tin — from the architecture all the way down to the flowers in the garden.
🟡 Read a book with a heart on the cover (Show cover) or 
where a character chops wood or 
where a character either crosses a bridge or uses a raft.
7. Cowardly Lion
The Cowardly Lion makes his first appearance in the book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and is the last of the companions Dorothy befriends on her way to the Emerald City. The Cowardly Lion joins her so that he can ask The Wizard for courage, ashamed that he is not brave enough to play his cultural role of the King of the Beasts. Despite outward evidence that he is unreasonably fearful, The Cowardly Lion displays great bravery along the way. . He is Princess Ozma's chief guardian on state occasions, and he and the Hungry Tiger pull Ozma's chariot. In subsequent Oz books by Baum, the Lion was shown to have continued being courageous and loyal, although still considering himself a coward and regularly frightened, even by Aunt Em.
🟡 Read a book of a character who is brave or 
the last in a series or 
with a character who is frightened.
8. The Wicked Witch of the West
The Wicked Witch of the West is the malevolent ruler of the Winkie Country. The Wicked Witch of the West was not related to the Wicked Witch of the East, but leagued together with her, against the Wicked Witch of the South, and the Wicked Witch of the North to conquer the Land of Oz and divide it amongst themselves. All she cares about is obtaining the Silver Shoes which will increase her power. Most of her power resides in the creatures she controls and Dorothy destroys her in the first book by throwing water at her and she melts.
🟡 Read a book where two characters are in league together against someone else or 
with shoes on the cover or 
where the author's initials can be found in WICKED.
9. Wicked Witch of the East
The Wicked Witch of the East who was a middle-aged, malevolent woman who conquered and tyrannized the Munchkin Country in Oz's eastern quadrant, forcing the native Munchkins to slave for her night and day. Her charmed Silver Shoes (changed to ruby slippers in the 1939 film musical) held many mysterious powers and were her precious possession. The Witch is killed when Dorothy Gale's farmhouse lands on her at the start of the first book. Her body turns to dust, leaving behind the magical shoes to be passed to Dorothy. The Wicked Witch of the East was believed to be more powerful than the Good Witch of the North, but not as powerful as Glinda, the Good Witch of the South.
🟡 Read a book with a character who is a tyrant (Your interpretation) or 
where a character is killed by being hit with an object or 
where the author's initials can be found in FARMHOUSE.
10. The Good Witch of North
The Good Witch of the North is the elderly and mild-mannered Ruler of the Gillikin Country. Her only significant appearance is when she introduces Dorothy Gale to Oz and sends her to meet the Wizard, after placing a protective kiss on her forehead.
L. Frank Baum presented her as an extremely kind and gentle character who stood against the oppression and subjugation of people. However, the character's kindness and magnanimity of spirit was not confined to her own domain, and she was loved not only by her own subjects but also by other people in Oz.
🟡 Read a book where a character kisses another on the forehead or 
a character who is kind or 
a character who is elderly.

11. Wizard of Oz
The Wizard of Oz is the title character of the first book. In that book, the characters journey to him for assistance with their problems. It is later revealed that he is a "Humbug" circus performer named Oscar Diggs from Omaha, Nebraska; and that he had usurped Ozma's throne with the assistance of Mombi (though this was later proven false). The Wizard later returns to Oz in the fourth book to permanently live there and later learns real magic from Glinda. His Kansas counterpart in the 1939 musical film is the travelling magician/fortune teller Professor Marvel.
🟡 Read a book with a character who is a magician or fortune teller or 
that is fourth in a series or 
a character called Oscar.
12. Mombi
The character was originally presented as a lowly hag who had enchanted Princess Ozma in order to prevent her from ascending to the throne. Later in the series, Baum specified that she had once conquered and ruled the Gillikin Country, as the Wicked Witch of the North, only to be deposed by the Good Witch of the North. Mombi had enslaved Ozma's father (King Pastoria) and grandfather, thereby removing the Royal Family of Oz, and enabling herself and the Wicked Witches to conquer and divide the land between them. After forcing her to disenchant Princess Ozma, Glinda the Good Witch of the South made Mombi drink a powerful draught that stripped the old witch of all her magic powers.
🟡 Read a book with a character who was enslaved or 
where a witch is stripped of her powers or 
where the author's initials can be found in MOMBI.
13. The Nome King
The Nome King is introduced in the 1907 book Ozma of Oz. The Nome King recurs in many of the Oz novels, being the most frequent antagonist in Baum's book series. The Nomes are immortal rock fairies who dwell underground. They hide jewels and precious metals in the earth, and resent the "upstairs people" who dig down for those valuables. Apparently as revenge, the Nome King enjoys keeping surface-dwellers as slaves—not for their labor but simply to have them.
🟡 Read a book where a character is given something precious (Your interpretation) or 
a character who dwells underground or 
where the first letter of each title word can be found in ROCK FAIRIES. (Three word minimum)
14. Munchkins
The Munchkins are described as being the same height as Dorothy and they wear only shades of blue clothing, as blue is the Munchkins' favorite color. Blue is also the predominating color that officially represents the eastern quadrant in the Land of Oz
🟡 Read a book with a short person in it or 
read a book with a blue cover or 
where the author's initials can be found in EASTERN.
15. Quadlings
The Quadlings are kind-hearted and simple country folk and have little fighting experience. The live in the land of the south that is officially ruled by Glinda, the Good Witch, who lives in a ruby studded castle next to the edge of the Deadly Desert. The Quadlings prefer the color red.
🟡 Read a book with a red cover or 
where a character lives in a castle or 
where a character is a farmer.
16. Gillikinese
Gillikinese are distinguishable by their prominent foreheads and slightly gapped front teeth. They often have heads of curling blonde hair, and are believed to be temperamental by non-Gillikinese. The Gillikins prefer the color purple Locasta Tattypoo, aka the Good Witch of the North is the official ruler of the Gillikins after overthrowing the old Wicked Witch of the North named Mombi.
🟡 Read a book with a purple cover or 
with a character has blond hair or 
where the author's initials can be found in NORTH.
17. Winkies
The Winkies are known for being friendly and good people. They are skilled tinsmiths and they prefer the color yellow, which is the official color of the west land.
🟡 Read a book with a yellow cover or 
where a character is described as friendly or 
where the author's initials can be found in WEST LAND.
18. Winged Monkeys
Winged monkey are described as jungle monkeys with bird-like feathered wings. They are playful, intelligent, and speak English. They are initially under the control of the Wicked Witch of the West, but are later controlled by Dorothy Gale. They lift Dorothy and fly her to two distant locations.
🟡 Read a book where a character flies or 
a character who is described as playful or 
where the first letter of each title word can be found in WINGED MONKEY. (Three word minimum)
19. Guardian of the Gate
The Guardian of the Gates is a small, green man who guards the gates to the Emerald City and leads visitors to the Wizard's palace. He also gives visitors green spectacles to protect their eyes from the Emerald City's brilliance. He locks the spectacles onto visitors' heads with a chain.
🟡 Read a book with a character who wears glasses or 
with a green cover or 
a character is described as brilliant.
20. Hungry Tiger
The Hungry Tiger has powerful limbs and dark purple stripes. His eyes burn like coals of fire. He is always hungry, no matter how much he eats, and he longs to devour a "fat baby," though he never would because his conscience will not allow him to do so. He always wears a ribbon at the end of his long tail that is of red velvet. When the Hungry Tiger and the Cowardly Lion heard of Princess Ozma's ascension to the throne of Oz, they left the forest to visit the Emerald City. There they joined Ozma's party, pulling her royal chariot, and set out on a mission to save the Royal Family of Ev from the Nome King.
🟡 Read a book where a character is hungry or 
where a character goes to a party or 
where a character is saved (Your interpretation).
21. Emerald City
The Emerald City, is the largest city in the magical Land of Oz. It stands in the very center of Oz and is the imperial capital of the entire country. Although the city was built for the Wizard and ruled by him for decades, the City of Emeralds is now ruled by the lovely child Queen and rightful ruler of Oz, Princess Ozma, the long-lost daughter of the former King Pastoria. Ozma is the true royal heir to Oz's imperial throne.
🟡 Read a book that is tagged magic or 
is set in a capital or 
where the author's initials can be found in EMERALD,
22. Jack Pumpkinhead
Jack Pumpkinhead is introduced in Baum's 2nd Oz book titled The Marvelous Land of Oz, published in 1904. Jack is a famous personage from the magical Land of Oz and comes from Oz's northern quadrant called Gillikin Country. He also is the non-biological "son" of Princess Ozma who made him when she was still disguised as a boy called Tippetarius aka Tip--the "kitchen slave" who belonged to the old wannabe Wicked Witch named Mombi.
🟡 Read a book where a character wears a disguise or 
a character who works in a kitchen or 
a character with a non biological child.
23. Princess Ozma
Princess Ozma first appears f in the second Oz book, The Marvelous Land of Oz. She is the rightful ruler of Oz, and Baum indicated that she would reign in the fairyland forever, being immortal. Ozma is the daughter of the former King Pastoria of Oz. As an infant, she was given to the witch Mombi of the North by the Wizard of Oz. Mombi transformed Ozma into a boy and called him "Tip" (short for Tippetarius) in order to prevent the rightful ruler of Oz from ascending to the throne.
🟡 Read a book with a character who is prevented from getting something they should have or 
a character who was given away as an infant or 
where the author's initials can be found in TIPPETARIUS.
24. Tik - Tok
Baum's character Tik-Tok (sometimes spelled Tiktok) is a round-bodied mechanical man made of copper, who runs on clockwork springs which periodically need to be wound, like a wind-up toy or a mechanical clock. He has separate windings for thought, action, and speech. Tik-Tok is unable to wind any of them up himself. When his works run down, he becomes frozen or mute. Being a machine, he is quite strong, and as Baum repeatedly mentions, Tik-Tok is not alive and feels no emotions.
🟡 Read a book with a character who is described as emotionless or 
a character who is frozen or 
with a character who is or plays with a robot.
25. Yellow Brick Road
. The road begins in the heart of the eastern quadrant called Munchkin Country in the Land of Oz. and leads to the imperial capital of Oz, Emerald City, which is located in the exact center of the continent. In the book, Dorothy and her companions, the Scarecrow, Tin Woodman and Cowardly Lion discover that the road has fallen into disrepair in some parts of the land, having several broken chasms ending at dangerous cliffs with deadly drops. At the end of the book, Dorothy learns that neither Emerald City nor the yellow brick road existed prior to Oz's arrival. When Oscar Diggs arrived in Oz via hot-air balloon that had been swept away in a storm, the people of the land were convinced he was a great "Wizard" who had finally come to fulfill a long-awaited prophecy. In the power vacuum left by the recent fall of Oz's mortal King Pastoria and the mysterious disappearance of his baby daughter Princess Ozma, Diggs immediately proclaimed himself as Oz's new dominant ruler and had his people build the road as well as the city in his honor.
🟡 Read a book with a yellow cover or 
where a daughter goes missing or 
where the author's initials can be found in PASTORIA.

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